Weather conditions for paragliding in Georgia: how to choose the time to fly

Paragliding is an extreme sport associated with paragliding. Georgia with its mountain ranges, beautiful scenery and mild climate has become a popular destination for paragliders from all over the world. However the weather conditions can affect the safety of paragliding. In this article we will discuss the peculiarities of the weather conditions for paragliding in Georgia and how to choose the right time to fly.

First, it should be noted that for paragliding in Georgia, you need to consider the time of year and the location of the launching sites. Generally, paragliders fly from spring to fall, when the weather is most stable. In winter, the weather can be very unpredictable, with strong winds and snowfalls that can make a launch impossible.

The second important factor to consider is the state of the atmosphere. Winged takeoff is possible only in good visibility and without precipitation. It is important to consider local conditions, as the weather can change rapidly in different areas of Georgia. For example, the weather on the mountain ranges can be significantly different from the weather on the coast.

The third factor is wind strength and direction. Wind can significantly affect safety for paragliders. If the wind speed exceeds the safe limit, it is very dangerous to start and the lesson date is postponed. It is most dangerous to fly in turbulence, when the wind changes direction and speed unexpectedly.

The fourth factor is thermal conditions. Air currents that occur on sunny mountainsides can cause serious trouble for paragliders. The air currents can become too strong and unstable, causing turbulence and danger to life.

How to choose the time to fly a paraglider in Georgia?

There are several ways to determine weather conditions for paragliding in Georgia.

The first way is to use local weather stations and weather forecasts. Many launch sites have weather stations that provide real-time weather information. There are also many websites and mobile apps that provide weather forecasts for specific areas of Georgia. When choosing a site or app, be sure to check how often the information is updated and what source is used for the weather forecast.

The second way is to observe weather conditions while other paragliders are flying. There are popular paragliding bases in the mountains of Georgia, where you can meet experienced pilots. If you are not sure about the weather conditions, you can watch other pilots flying and join them, if everything is safe.

The third way is to consult a paragliding instructor. If you are new to the sport, it is advisable to contact an experienced instructor who will help you determine the most appropriate time to fly, depending on your level of training and the location of the launch pad.

In conclusion, weather conditions play an important role in the safety of paragliding in Georgia. Consider the time of year, atmospheric conditions, wind strength and direction, and thermal conditions when choosing when to fly. Remember to use all available sources of weather information and consult experienced pilots and instructors. Be safe and enjoy an unforgettable flight over the beautiful landscapes of Georgia.

