How to dress in winter so as not to get cold during paragliding

Paragliding is a fascinating sport that appeals to those who seek a sense of freedom and adrenaline. However, when it comes to winter paragliding, clothing becomes a particularly important aspect, as cold temperatures and wind can greatly affect the comfort and safety of the flight. In this article we will tell you how to dress in winter to stay warm while paragliding.

Clothing layering

Dress according to the principle of layering to keep you warm. A layer of body underwear, a layer of insulated clothing, and a layer of windproof clothing. Each layer should be lightweight and durable so as not to interfere with movement and provide a comfortable temperature.

Wear insulated outerwear

During winter paragliding it is important to wear an insulated jacket and pants or a special jumpsuit to protect yourself from the cold and wind. Jackets and pants made of materials that are wind and water resistant, such as Gore-Tex, are the ideal choice. Ski overalls are great. Keep in mind that you will be in the air where the temperature is lower, so wear extra layers of clothing and use Velcro on the cuffs and pant legs to prevent the wind from getting under your clothes.

Insulated gloves

Good insulated gloves help keep your hands warm, which is very important in cold weather. Choose gloves made of moisture-resistant materials that have insulation. Ski gloves are suitable for paragliding. Make sure that the gloves are comfortable and do not constrain your hand movements.

Wear thermal underwear

Thermal underwear is clothing that creates a layer between your skin and the outer layers of your clothing, trapping heat and wicking away moisture. It can be worn under jackets and pants as well as under gloves and socks. Choose thermal underwear made of materials that dry quickly and do not absorb moisture, as this will help keep your body warm. Great underwear for hunters and fishermen. They are designed for long periods of motionless exposure to the outdoors.

The helmet

A helmet is an essential safety feature in paragliding. It protects your head from injury and can help keep you warm in cold weather. In case you are planning a paragliding flight as a passenger, the helmet should be given to you by the pilot. You can wear a thin hat under the helmet.

Protect your face

Use a buff or scarf to protect your face from the cold wind and sunlight. Wear goggles with dark lenses to protect your eyes. Again, ski goggles are great for protecting you from blinding sunlight and wind.

The shoes

Wear warm and sturdy boots to protect your feet from cold and injury. It is important that boots are not only warm, but also slip-resistant. With a sturdy cuff. Don't forget that your feet get cold faster in flight, take care of insulated socks.

After the flight

After your flight, remember to quickly change your wet clothes for dry ones so that you don't get cold. Try to move around more so you don't get cold, even if you just want to sit and enjoy the beautiful view.

Following these simple tips will allow you to paraglide in winter and enjoy the beautiful winter scenery without feeling the discomfort of the cold. But remember that each person is unique and may react differently to the cold, so adjust your clothing individually. If you get cold, go back to earth and change your clothes.

All in all, flying a paraglider in winter is very exciting, and the right clothes and shoes are the key to a comfortable flight. Follow our advice, prepare for the winter season in advance and don't forget about safety. Then you'll have maximum pleasure from paragliding in winter.

