Beautiful paragliding flight in Georgia

Man has always dreamed of touching the sky, finding wings and feeling like a bird floating freely under the clouds. Incredibly beautiful paragliding flights in Georgia are organized by the team of professional paragliders "SKYATLANTIDA". For almost 10 years we have been organizing excursions under the wing of an ultralight aircraft and helping our clients realize this dream.

Красивый полет на параплане в Грузии подарит ощущение свободного парения на высоте от 2000 метров над уровнем моря. С помощью параглайдинга каждый человек может узнать, как это иметь крылья, а инструкторы со стажем от 20 лет сделают вашу прогулку не только увлекательной, но и безопасной. Вам останется только отдаться встречному ветру и наслаждаться неописуемыми пейзажами курорта Гудаури: величественным каньоном Арагви, высокогорными водопадами, могущественными утесами.

What is a paraglider?

This is an ultralight aircraft connected to the suspension systems of the pilot and passenger with the help of special fastening straps. The instructor's suspension system is necessarily equipped with a spare parachute in case of emergency situations.

The wing of a paraglider and a modern parachute are very similar in appearance, but they perform completely different functions. The tasks of the parachute include dynamic opening and descent. He is a means of salvation. As for the paraglider, this technique is a full-fledged aircraft that allows you to gain altitude and fly for hours, overcoming distances up to 500 + km.

Where in Georgia does SKYATLANTIDA conduct its beautiful paragliding flights

Certified instructor pilots conduct extreme aerial excursions in the picturesque center of tourism in the Georgian resort of Gudauri. This is an incredibly beautiful and cozy corner of the country, located on the southern slopes of the Main Caucasian Ridge.

Unforgettable trips to the sky are made all year round. Winter excursions are distinguished by indescribable landscapes, which, perhaps, you have seen previously only on New Year's cards.

Types of excursions

Our team offers several types of incredibly beautiful paragliding flights in Georgia:

1. Winter extreme flight "Aerial aerobatics"

This is more than jumping on an elastic band from a bridge or with a parachute. It's cooler than a roller coaster! The acc pilot will not just show you the most beautiful places of Gudauri, but also perform some cool tricks in the air that will take your breath away.

2. Flying over the Aragvi Canyon

You will start at an altitude of 2,100 – 2,750 meters, fly 5 kilometers over the famous canyon, see a high-altitude waterfall, admire the cliffs, walk near the monastery of George Lomissky. You will be in the sky for about 15 minutes.

3. An unusually beautiful flight in Georgia on a paratrake "Journey above the clouds"

You will take a walk through the sky on a paratrake – a 3-wheeled ultralight aircraft, the maximum weight of which is only 115 kilograms. This technique allows you to overcome distances over 750 meters and climb to a height of up to 7000 (!) meters above sea level.

And these are not all beautiful and at the same time extreme SKYATLANTIDA offers. More information about the range of programs can be found here

How is a beautiful paragliding flight going in Georgia

All flights take place according to the tandem system: a paraglider pilot (he is also an instructor) and a passenger. The journey to the clouds takes place under the guidance and management of an experienced certified instructor. The passenger is in front of the pilot, which means that he will be able to fully enjoy the fantastic panoramas.

All paragliding excursions are held in strict compliance with the rules and regulations of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia. We have been engaged in the professional organization of official flights for almost 10 years. By purchasing any program, the passenger automatically receives insurance.

Imagine for a minute: you take off, the wing picks up speed, skyscrapers turn into tiny objects, and you enjoy the flight and the extraordinarily beautiful views of Georgia from a bird's-eye view!

