Что делать, если укачивает в полете на параплане

Что делать, если укачивает в полете на параплане

Что делать, если укачивает в полете на параплане? Полет на параплане – это приключение, которое могут позволить себе далеко не все. Однако, как и любой экстремальный вид спорта, полет на параплане может вызвать у многих людей проблемы с здоровьем, включая укачивание. Укачивание – это неприятное состояние, вызванное нарушением равновесия в организме человека, которое проявляется тошнотой,…

Профессиональные советы для начинающих парапланеристов

Профессиональные советы для начинающих парапланеристов в Гудаури

Профессиональные советы для начинающих парапланеристов в Гудаури Параглайдинг — это увлекательный вид спорта, который позволяет летать над горами и наслаждаться потрясающими видами. Гудаури, расположенный в Грузии, является одним из лучших мест в мире для занятия этим видом спорта. Если вы только начинаете заниматься параглайдингом в Гудаури, используйте профессиональные советы для начинающих парапланеристов. Они помогут вам…

How to dress in winter so as not to get cold during paragliding flights.

How to dress in winter so as not to get cold during paragliding Paragliding is a fascinating sport that appeals to those who seek a sense of freedom and adrenaline. However, when it comes to winter paragliding, clothing becomes a particularly important aspect, as cold temperatures and wind can greatly affect the comfort and safety…

What to wear for comfortable paragliding in summer?

What to wear for comfortable paragliding in summer? Flying a paraglider is an amazing adventure that can bring a lot of fun and adrenaline. However, in order to make this flight as comfortable as possible, it is important to choose the right clothes. In summer, when the temperature reaches its maximum, the choice of clothing…

Equipment for paragliding in Georgia: what you need to know about the equipment

Equipment for paragliding in Georgia: what you need to know about the equipment Paragliding is one of the most popular extreme sports in Georgia. Because of its unique geography, many mountain ranges and amazing nature, Georgia is an ideal place for paragliding flights. However, before you go paragliding, you need to make sure you have…

Weather conditions for paragliding in Georgia: how to choose the time to fly

Weather conditions for paragliding in Georgia: how to choose the time to fly Paragliding is an extreme sport associated with paragliding. Georgia with its mountain ranges, beautiful scenery and mild climate has become a popular destination for paragliders from all over the world. However the weather conditions can affect the safety of paragliding. In this…

Safety in paragliding: basic precautions

Safety in paragliding: basic precautions Paragliding is a beautiful and exciting sport that allows people to fly using a wing-like parachute. Paragliding is classified as an injury-prone sport. In this article, we will look at the basic precautions that must be taken to ensure safety during paragliding. Url Name: Messenger: Messenger: WhatsApp Telegram Phone: E-mail:…

What skills are needed to practice paragliding in Georgia: an overview of requirements

What skills are needed to practice paragliding in Georgia: an overview of requirements Paragliding allows you to enjoy the beauty of mountain scenery, magnificent views and being outdoors. If you want to try your hand at paragliding, you will need to acquire certain skills and knowledge. In this article, we will review the requirements for…

Popular places for paragliding in Georgia: the best places to fly

Popular places for paragliding in Georgia: the best places to fly Paragliding is becoming an increasingly popular outdoor activity in Georgia. This sport does not require much effort and physical training, but at the same time gives the opportunity to experience a surge of adrenaline and enjoy the beautiful views from the air. In this…

Overcoming Fear of Heights in Paragliding: Tips for Beginners

Overcoming Fear of Heights in Paragliding: Tips for Beginners Paragliding is a fascinating and exciting sport that allows one to fly and enjoy beautiful views from above. However, for many novice paragliders, fear of heights can be a problem. In this article, we will look at a few tips to help overcome this fear and…